and Shipping Out
early 1944, he was sent to Greensboro, North Carolina and his new bride
returned home anticipating his being shipped overseas. He then called
saying that he would be in Greensboro for a few weeks, so Mom went there
to stay in a rooming house. With the war secrecy ("Loose Lips Sink
Ships"), they did not know where he would be shipped to. Here is
a photo of the newlyweds in Tampa while Dad was still stationed at Mc
Dill Field. Notice the Corporal stripes and the Army Airforce patch
on his left sleeve.
This photo is labeled Greensboro, N.C., July - 44 on the back, less
than a month before Corporal Sharp shipped out.
On August 30, 1944, he was shipped out of Norfolk, Virginia, not to
arrive in India until October 7, 1944, a 38 day trip. Mom finally heard
from him after about 40 days.
Interestingly, one of his granddaughters now serves in the Navy in Norfolk,
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