War Begins
As you know, the United States entered
World War II after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor on December
7, 1941.
At that time, Bill was already in the home delivery milk business in
Prospect Park, New Jersey, near Paterson. His father had delivered butter
milk from large milk cans on the back of a horse drawn wagon.
The war in the China-Burma-India Theater started immediately with the
first airlift over The Hump in April of 1942. The Hump was the affectionate
name for the Himalayas, the barrier between war supplies in India and
the War in China. The Japanese had conquered the Burma Road leading
from India and Burma into the heartland of southern China. The only
way to supply the Chinese and American airforces in China was "over
the hump." First shipments were of gasoline and bombs.
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